1975 Sexist OSU Newsletter
The Old Man, the newsletter of the Ohio State University Men’s Rugby club announced the formation of the Ohio State women’s team. Note the graphic illustration of a female player.
1977 The Pitch
The Tube and the Pitch, two different Ohio State Women’s team newsletters from 1977 show the grassroots organizing, bawdy nature of women’s rugby at the time.
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Support us today!
When you contribute to the U.S. Women’s Rugby Foundation you become part of a movement to support girls and women involved in rugby.
We are a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization.
All donations made are tax deductible.

Alex Schaefer
Age: 30
Hails From:
Washington, DC
Job That Pays the Bills:
Federal Affairs Specialist for The Trust for Public Land
Rugby Life:
Catholic University of America Women’s Rugby (Head Coach)
Old Glory U19 Academy Girls Team (Head Coach)
Northern Virginia Women’s Rugby (NOVA) 7s (Assistant Coach)
Capital Rugby Union’s Women’s Select Side (Assistant Coach)
Howard University Women’s Rugby (Assistant Coach)
Miami University (OH) Women’s Rugby (former player)
Leading Like a Boss:
After her rugby career ended due to concussion, she continued her love of the game by becoming a college coach at the age of 23
Why We Love Alex:
Has deep rugby roots - Alex is grateful for her dad, Dr. Tim Schaefer (1965-2020), and uncle Marty who introduced her to rugby
Rugby also introduced Alex to her future wife, Rachel, when the two met coaching at Catholic University

All photos provided by the award recipient
Photo Credits: Julianna Fullman and Kyle Helson