1975 Sexist OSU Newsletter
The Old Man, the newsletter of the Ohio State University Men’s Rugby club announced the formation of the Ohio State women’s team. Note the graphic illustration of a female player.
1977 The Pitch
The Tube and the Pitch, two different Ohio State Women’s team newsletters from 1977 show the grassroots organizing, bawdy nature of women’s rugby at the time.
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Support us today!
When you contribute to the U.S. Women’s Rugby Foundation you become part of a movement to support girls and women involved in rugby.
We are a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization.
All donations made are tax deductible.

Jade McGrath
Age: 28
From: Toronto, ON; currently living in San Francisco, CA
Job that pays the bills: Philanthropy coordinator, American Cancer Society
Rugby life:
Teams played for:
Scion Rugby (2017-present)
2021 Club 7s MVP
Galaxy Touch Rugby (2018-present)
2021 Nationals all All-star Team
All Blues Rugby (2022-present)
2023 WPL All Stars
Balkans Honey Badgers (Rugby 10s) (2023-present)
PR7s Experts (2021-2022)
Captain (Austin 2022)
USA Falcons (2018)
Boston Women’s Rugby Club (2016)
Boston College Women’s Rugby Club (2014-2018)
Coaching: University of California, Berkeley
Other: USWRF communications and conference operations
Why we love Jade:
Jade is a leader in her rugby communities, serving as a captain for nearly every team she has been a part of (Scion, All Blues, WPL All Stars, PR7s, BC Women's Rugby), and working to keep her teams pursuing the best versions of themselves
"I sought out rugby for the contact but stayed for the community. Rugby has blessed me with the best people and experiences in my life. There’s no other space that allows you to grow and express yourself the way rugby does, and the people you get to do it with are really the best people you’ll meet. I love being a part of the game, and I love giving back to it however I can.
I also love the opportunity to travel and compete in high-level, competitive sports. There is something about pouring all of yourself into something with all of these other amazing people and watching the product come to life on the pitch. I want to play the best rugby I can play with the best people I can play it with, and I will continue working to help provide those opportunities and that joy for others."
More about Jade:
Women’s Player of the Final, Jade McGrath looks back on an undefeated #USNational7s. Scion Rugby Academy: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=564285474611634
Interview with Aspire Rugby: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7aj6dRErN0
Interview with Great American Rugby: https://www.instagram.com/reel/ChD9zdJJvRS/

All photos provided by the award recipient