USA Rugby is pleased to partner with the 2020 WRCRA Conference* to offer coaches a unique opportunity to shadow USAR National Team coaches on January 19 at the Eagle Regional Training Center, Atlanta Location.**
The USA Rugby Shadow Program gives participants the opportunity to observe national team staff as they work with USA Rugby athletes. Participants will be able to observe a Sunday afternoon training and engage in discussions with participants and USA Rugby staff.
Participating Coaches
Rob Cain (WNT XVs Head Coach)
Kate Daley (WNT XVs Assistant Coach)
Rosalind Chou (Head Coach of Women's Premier League Atlanta Harlequins and D1 Elite Life University, Regional Training Center Coach).
Player Coach
1:00 PM WRCRA Conference Ends - Coaches Transition
1:30 PM Arrive Transition
1:45 PM Player Aims Observe
2:00 PM Personal Warm Up Introductions & Goals
2:15 PM 3x12 Rotation Observe
2x10 Game
3:15 PM Break Q&A
3:30 PM 3x12 Rotation Observe
2x10 Game Q&A
4:30 PM Break Q&A
4:45 PM 2x10 Game Observe
1x20 Units
5:25 PM End Debrief and Final Q&A
Creating Pictures
Run Catch Pass - recognizing numbers
Tackle Tech
Lineout Philosophy
2020 WRCRA Conference Attendees: if you're interested in attending, you can officially sign up in person at the conference even if you did not initially indicate interest in the clinic on your conference registration form.
* WRCRA is proud to provide space for the coaching clinic, however the clinic is not part of the WRCRA Conference. Cost is a suggested donation of $25 to the USWNT 15s Program, which can be paid onsite.
**Information on the Regional Training Program: The Regional Training Program is a two-fold supportive process, consisting of both Regional Training Centers and Regional Training Weekends. Centers are strategically placed at seven locations across the United States in areas where a high concentration of National Team pool players reside. There, coaches and athletes meet for concentrated group session for a set number of hours during preseason to work on individual areas and development of core skills under pressure. All players within the tiered pool structure, including age-grade athletes, attend sessions at Regional Training Centers.

Photo Credit: Max Haynes